?Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don?t matter and those who matter don?t mind? ~Dr. Seuss (Sent via Twitter from Adam Urbanski, ?Attract Clients Like Crazy? program)
What? ?That?s a crazy question, if it wasn?t for your nursing license where would you be now? ?I remember that day, you know pinning?

This was AFTER my other college degree and 4 fitness certifications. Those certs have since lapsed. But the nursing license is still valid. I think I had a 20" inch waist back then...
Fast forward to the present, 2013, and I?m struggling to understand how in a program that I?m enrolled in, to market our services to doctors (legally), that I?m the only nurse in it. ?There?s ?Heart Scanners?, Fitness Professionals, Natural Hormone Therapy Coaches, Green Nutritionist Coaches, Anti-Aging/Longevity Coaches, etc. ?You get my drift. ?Where are all the ?licensed? people? ?Want to hear the craziest part of all? ? they have developed viable programs that physicians are interested in and partnering with and they?re making a living? a good living at that, for them and for the physician. ?They are ?partners?.
You would think that nurses, like you, who want to branch out and do your own thing? share your gifts and talents by making people healthier through fitness would have thought of this? working with , partnering with physicians. ?Can we be too close?
Then I started thinking? oh know not that?
Many other professions are really, technically entrepreneurs.
Doctors, CPA?s, Lawyers, Dentists, Chiropractors, even Pharmacists who own their own pharmacy, all have to bring in clients and find ways to make cash. Nurses, on the other hand, expect a job and to work for somebody. ?So unless you are like me and the other small percentage of ?not mainstream thinking? nurses, when and if you decide to try something on your own, you still play it safe and want to stay well within your credentials and what the nursing powers say.
Entrepreneurship has rules, but one of the most important ones is to take risks, express yourself and do something no one else is doing, yet solving a problem? something most nurses aren?t willing to do.
The descriptions of those in the same program that I?m in, that I described above, do just that? they take risks, stick their neck out, when knocked down, they bounce back up? they really live that Dr. Seuss quote I had at the top of this post. Is it because they don?t have a license to ?worry? about?
New Nurse Coaching Book
?Nurse coaching is not a specialty area of nursing practice. ?Nurse Coaching competencies are based in nursing theories, social and behavioral science theories and (of course) evidence-based promotion of health and well-being? excerpt from the Preamble of ?The Art & Science of Nurse Coaching, the Provider?s Guide to Coaching Scope and Competencies?, 6 nurse authors and published by the ANA.
The (of course) is mine. ?Whenever I hear the words ?evidence-based? I feel a little sick to my stomach. I understand what it means, but to the public, who gets bombarded with studies all day and night, how does it translate to solving their immediate problem, as a nurse coach? ?You can find whatever evidence you want in a study to promote your point of view, even peer-reviewed. ?There now it?s ?evidence-based?. ?I must say they did a lot of research, the book is 90 pages and pages 55-90 are all references, appendices and the index. ?That?s evidence-based for real! ?If you are a nurse coach it?s a good book to have on the shelf. ?I don?t want to bash nurse colleagues? is it too late for that? ?But after literally forcing myself to finish it in a week (Only 55 pages of writing), I said, ?no wonder nurses aren?t making any money in the markets they want to serve?. ?It was purely academia, theoretical and boring.
Most theory is, isn?t it?
Hey, nursing theory will never change and researchers need to remind us about the basis for nursing practice and in this case, nurse coaching. ?Hell, I?ve quoted Dorothea Orem?s self-care theory in my CFNC home study program. ?And I agree clients need to become experts in their own care. ?But I wonder, when I saw all the authors, all 6 of them, and then the contributors inside, all had no less than 12 initials behind their names (I?m exaggerating a little, am I just a hater?), all coming together to clarify what nurse coaching is and the art & science of it is, how many of them have striving coaching practices that they love, with ideal clients that they love, utilizing packages (not the ?old, never make real money? the dollars for hours model==> you end up dreading picking up the phone and burning out); are they leveraging their marketing and time through automation and the internet and Google, have referral systems and a simple business model that?s ?set it and forget it? and brings clients who look for them, not them chasing clients? ?These nurse authors are great at what they do. But they just can?t help me get more clients. ?They?re not trying to either, not their job.
I hope all of you buy the book and read it and take away from it what you need. Credentialing is important , especially when licenses are involved. ?But you do have a license and it?s MOST important! ?What about the RN or LPN who has training in fitness, has an awesome program that has been helping people in their community. ?There is no legal reason why this brilliant nurse can?t call themselves a fitness nurse coach, put that program together, that?s easy to understand and market it to their ideal clients and improve the lives of those people. ?If they follow the nursing process they will be successful in their program development; but not necessarily in their business/practice. ?What often happen is when they try to put all that theory into the market? they flop, they aren?t making any money. ?The learning process is really just beginning for the new fitness nurse entrepreneur.
Nurses my point is, if you don?t step up and start learning about your offer and sales and marketing and stop worrying so much about ?getting permission? or what ?others may think?, other professionals, not as medically qualified as you, are going to do it for you. They?re doing it now.
By the way I sent out an e-mail, a while ago, to most of you about this course that I?m currently taking. ?It? called, ?Your Million Dollar Customer? Roadmap to a Profitable Physician Partnership?. ?None of you signed up? ?Maybe it was the title that turned you off? ?Or maybe it was the $1,000 price tag for 6 weeks, maybe you thought you?re just not ready yet. ?Or even more unsettling, you keep telling yourself you can figure it out on your own? (every successful person I know had to get help. I shouldn?t judge you, maybe you?re different)
If not this program, which one, if any? My $1000 dollar investment was not in just a program teaching me how to market my services to doctors, but it is also in?making connections with people (for future joint ventures) who are doing what I want to be doing, working with doctors as partners. ?(You may not want to work with doctors, which is fine, but who do you want to work with?) ?I?ll also get exposure on a radio station targeted to medical practitioners, over 2,000 listen in, a free table at the annual conference and my logo on the company?s website. ?To me, that alone is worth the enrollment fee. ?I?m also getting fitness nurse consulting on the map for you. ?No one in this course ever heard of fitness nurse consulting, many of them with connections in the medical field, will now know who Minky is when the 6 weeks is over!
I know what you may be thinking? you just don?t know where to start. ?I am working with only 2 nurses, helping them become Fitness Nurse Consultants. ?It?s a 6-month journey. ?And 2 nurses are really all I can handle. ?Step by step, hand holding is a lot of work. ?But they are not disappointing me. ?Because of their inspired action, I will reward them with everything I learn as I go forward too and creating more social proof for you with my own Fitness Nurse Consulting practice.
Whatever it was that stopped you from acting then, don?t let it hold you back from your dreams. ?It?s happening all around us and if you are unhappy in your current situation and want to be your own boss, you have to step out, invest in yourself to boost your confidence and market YOUR SOLUTION to people. ?The people who are paying you don?t know what all the letters mean and it?s a marketing disaster. ?Credentials in academia (faculty) are great, in business; not so much. ?Even doctors want simple explanations and love brevity when you try to get their attention. Ask yourself, ?What is the specific result of what I do??
Credentials, titles, initials are all about you. ?Maybe except for your title, you have to step away from that for a while and come up with solutions to people?s problems that you?ve learned from all that training and market that. ? Also ask yourself, ?what do I love doing?? ??Who do I love working with??
After you state your title (still in a solution format), let people know, with passion, HOW you help solve problems of the people you serve. ?Remember what you do and what you solve is NOT for everybody. ?But the person you are talking to may know somebody, and tell them, if they understand what you do and can explain it to someone else. ?Here?s my example:
?What do you do??
?I?m a Weight Maintenance Coach and Fitness Nurse Consultant?
?What is that??
?I help busy women who have had weightloss surgery or who have lost weight, to NEVER RE-gain the weight by showing them 4 simple steps to follow?
Everyone I have said that to wants to know more. ?Everyone.
Then and only then, will the great clients, then the great income, come your way.
I know you can do it. ?Just focus on the solution you provide and go from there. Don?t let your nursing license hinder you by staying in the ?nursing box? of ?I don?t have enough credentials?, people out there need and want your guidance to get and stay healthy! ?Health professionals are getting out there, please let them be you.
P.S. Please don?t write me and ask how to become a ?Weight Maintenance Coach?. ?I made it up. ?No degree or certification that I have or have had can prepare me to help my ideal clients maintain their weight with the strategies from experience that I?ve learned over the years. ?That?s how I got the title, I gave it to myself, so people could understand what I do and to spark interest.
It?s basically what I help them to do. ? Period.
Source: http://certifiedfitnessnursing.com/2013/03/is-your-nursing-license-actually-holding-you-back/
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