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Posted Yesterday, 07:44 PM
Would love to hear some comments about this study. http://www.renalandu...article/208624/ Quote Dr. Albanes' group measured blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D?a reliable biomarker of vitamin D status?in 1,000 PCa patients (cases) and 1,000 matched controls who were cancer free at the time of the case patients' cancer diagnosis. All subjects had participated in the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, which was conducted in Finland. | Advertisement To go ad-free join as a Member. |
Posted Yesterday, 08:38 PM
This is a disturbing result. Not only was pCa higher in the upper quintiles, but aggressive disease is worse:Quote
When the investigators considered aggressive and non-aggressive PCa separately, they found that higher vitamin D levels were not significantly associated with the risk of non-aggressive PCa but were significantly associated with aggressive disease. Subjects in the fourth and fifth quintiles had a significant 59% and 70% increased risk of aggressive PCa, respectively.
Here are some possible problems with the study:
Dr. Albanes' team noted that their study was limited by the inclusion of only Caucasian men who smoked. They also pointed out that their ability to find a protective effect of vitamin D may have been limited by the study population's relatively low vitamin D levels?owing at least in part to the high latitude of the study location?and a paucity of blood samples collected in the summer, when blood vitamin D levels would be higher than in other seasons.
These are non-trivial issues, though I have a hard time figuring out how you get a protective effect from a D deficiency. I hope that these paradoxical results are an artifact of smoking.
I would say that this deserves a harder look. As it happens, this article also mentions:
?The results of this study add to existing observations that higher levels of serum vitamin D increase an individual's risk of prostate cancer,? said Eric A. Klein, MD, Chairman of the Glickman Urological and Kidney Institute at Cleveland Clinic. ?
There's more? I'd like to see them. I have a strong family history of pCa, so this could get me to move my target levels down significantly, if the effect holds up.
Posted Yesterday, 10:04 PM
I don't understand how everyone can make the leap that blood levels = utilization levels--of anything. Maybe the people with the aggressive pCa have some problem utilizing vitamin D, and therefore it is building up in their blood, un-utilized. Am I missing something?The other problem I have with the findings of this study is the concluding paragraph:
?Together, these observations underscore the need for consumers and health care providers to use caution in using or recommending unregulated over-the-counter products unless clinical trials show they are beneficial,? Dr. Klein said.
This is a problem for me because there is a big push by pharmaceutical companies right now to get OTC supplements outlawed. We are in fact very close to this. All they need are a few more BS studies citing the supposed "dangers" of taking "unregulated" supplements. I would look very carefully at who funded the study in the first place before taking any stock in the findings. And then, once again, I question the whole premise that you can simply equate blood levels of a compound with its utilization by the body. The human body is incredibly complex, with many interdependent cofactors. Were this not the case, we would be able to create living, breathing Frankenstein's monsters by now--or at least administer perfect nutrition to every living human. We can't do any of that, because we don't know very much. We don't even know what the results of studies mean. </rant>
Posted Yesterday, 10:08 PM
Posted Yesterday, 10:27 PM
I am pretty sure there are numerous studies that correlate lower-than-optimal blood levels of vitamin D with higher levels of various health issues. Just use google and I bet you can find all kinds of pointers to the actual studies. Sorry but I am too lazy to look them up and post them here for you... practice makes perfect.
Posted Yesterday, 10:33 PM
I wonder how high the vit D levels were in the various quintiles? The fact that the study only included smokers (if I understand it correctly) is an obvious shortcoming to extrapolating this info to the general population. I also wonder what the purpose of this study was? It must have been something related to smoking???Still, I also find this info disturbing. It does seem to me that high dose micronutrient supplementation is unproven and risky in many cases.
Posted Today, 02:11 AM
I will say this as clearly and succinctly as I can: To infer that what holds in the case of smokers will hold in the case of non-smokers is to commit a logical fallacy.As with the beta-carotene/lung cancer study, all this shows is that in smokers (which should not necessarily be taken to imply all smokers), high vitamin D appears to be correlated with aggressive pCa. If you smoke, you should probably reconsider beta-carotene and vitamin D supplementation. But then again, you probably shouldn't smoke. If you don't smoke, then the evidence is overwhelming that supplementation with both beta-carotene and vitamin D at an individual-appropriate dosage is likely to be beneficial to you.
Posted Today, 05:04 AM
A couple of odd things I notice at first glance.First, yeah, they were all smokers. But also this:
All subjects had participated in the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, which was conducted in Finland.
So, some questions I have: were the participants taking alpha tocopherol/beta carotene at the same time their D serum levels were measured? Would alpha-tocopherol or beta carotene skew the results at all? There doesn't seem to be any difference in D serum levels in those who took beta carotene, however:
But perhaps there was some other interaction going on?
We really need to see the quintile data and serum levels though. Assuming they weren't taking supplements, I wonder how the high quintile groups were getting their D... sun exposure or diet?
And on the Pauling site I see they mention this:
Although a prospective study of Finnish men found that low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were associated with earlier and more aggressive prostate cancer development (81), another prospective study of men from Finland, Norway and Sweden found a U-shaped relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and prostate cancer risk. In that study serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations of 19 nmol/L or lower and 80 nmol/L or higher were associated with higher prostate cancer risk (82). Further research is needed to determine the nature of the relationship between vitamin D nutritional status and prostate cancer risk.
So it may be a U-based curve thing.
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Source: http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/50638-high-vitamin-d-levels-may-increase-prostate-cancer-risk/
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