Setting up a home business for busy moms is a very achievable goal provided you do your research well and plan properly. It won?t be easy but the 2 fundamental keys to your success are the same 2 traits that would see you succeed offline (if you had the time!)
A successful home business must firstly be seen as a business, not a hobby. If you are serious about your home business you must treat it as a business and many common factors prevail whether you are going it alone at home or outside the home.
Secret 1-Discipline
Just because your business will be run from home does not mean that the discipline you require to put in the hours to make your business succeed must still be taken care of at home. This can be difficult because the environment in which you find yourself is not the environment that you associate with work.
This basically means that you still must be sufficiently disciplined at home to put in the hours to grow your business; this can be difficult because of all sorts of distractions such as children, neighbours calling and 1001 things but if you are to succeed with your home business you must be very single minded to get the work done that you need to.
The best approach is to compartmentalize your work and household chores and plan out your working week with military precision, at least initially when you may be struggling with getting work done at home with your new found freedom.
Secret 2-Commitment
You must be committed to achieve the outcomes that you want for your business and it is really easy when confronted with a problem or a difficult situation to seek comfort in the fridge or the television.
This commitment follows on from secret 1 dealing with discipline but you really must be committed to getting the work done that you need and if this means telling your friends who intend calling around for coffee and a chat that you can?t see them then so be it.
Working moms face many distractions when setting up a home business but you can succeed with these two essentials.
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By Terry Legal
Setting up a home business for busy moms is a very achievable goal provided you do your research well and plan properly. It won?t be easy but the 2 fundamental keys to your success are the same 2 traits that would see you succeed offline (if you had the time!)
A successful home business must firstly be seen as a business, not a hobby. If you are serious about your home business you must treat it as a business and many common factors prevail whether you are going it alone at home or outside the home.
Secret 1-Discipline
Just because your business will be run from home does not mean that the discipline you require to put in the hours to make your business succeed must still be taken care of at home. This can be difficult because the environment in which you find yourself is not the environment that you associate with work.
This basically means that you still must be sufficiently disciplined at home to put in the hours to grow your business; this can be difficult because of all sorts of distractions such as children, neighbours calling and 1001 things but if you are to succeed with your home business you must be very single minded to get the work done that you need to.
The best approach is to compartmentalize your work and household chores and plan out your working week with military precision, at least initially when you may be struggling with getting work done at home with your new found freedom.
Secret 2-Commitment
You must be committed to achieve the outcomes that you want for your business and it is really easy when confronted with a problem or a difficult situation to seek comfort in the fridge or the television.
This commitment follows on from secret 1 dealing with discipline but you really must be committed to getting the work done that you need and if this means telling your friends who intend calling around for coffee and a chat that you can?t see them then so be it.
Working moms face many distractions when setting up a home business but you can succeed with these two essentials.
Published at Sooper Articles
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How To Set Up A Successful Home Business For Busy Moms-2 Critical Keys
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