Thursday, January 17, 2013

How To Increase Your Lead Generation | MTD Sales Training Blog

There isn?t much in sales that?s more important than your pipeline generation. Without leads, you?re dead in the water, and in order to take control of the quality of leads coming through, and manage them effectively, you need a quality system that will back you up and keep those leads coming to you.

Here are some tips on how to generate and increase your lead generation:

Quality Referral Systems. These must be robust and offer both you and the customer opportunities for more business

Guaranteeing Orders Through Risk-Reversal. This means there is no-risk on behalf of the client actually agreeing to your proposal. You should offer a money-back promise if the product or service doesn?t do what you say it will. You should be baring the risks, so the customer feels they can trust you and not worry about consequences if there are discrepancies in performance

Long-Term Relationship Benefits. There should be a system in place that recognises when a client gives repeat and long-term orders. The longer they sign up to you, the better the results for them and the easier it is for you to manage.

Proper Use Of Directed Direct Mail. This means your list has to be well-defined and that you have a really good chance of hitting the prospects who are in the market for your products. A one in a thousand response rate is a waste of your and their time

Effective Telemarketing. Your marketing approach should offer real, tangible benefits to the companies you are approaching, rather than just being a cold-call approach that undermines the morale of those making the approaches

Hold Special Events Or Information Sessions. These free-of-charge events should add extra value to all prospects. It allows them to see what you can offer and makes it a no-brainer to deal with you. It also gives you a great list of prospects that you can nurture

Develop A Unique Selling Proposition. You have to differentiate yourself in ways that will be beneficial to your prospects. These do not include quality, warranties, speed of delivery and such-like. All your competitors will offer the same. No, these are tangible benefits that the client will get from you that they can?t get from anyone else

Increase The Perceived Value Of What You Offer. You do this by showing the results you will bring to the client. The more they see how their business will thrive and grow by using you, the better your chances of doing business. Perceived value is what they get as a result over the long-term, not the cheapness of your product up-front

Better Client Education. Here, you become the partner to your client by showing your knowledge of their market and guiding them on how to exploit opportunities that you, with your wider experience and research, have found lurking in the undergrowth. They may be too close to the ground to see the opportunities that you can see from your higher position

Increase Your Sales Skills. You do this by researching the new ideas of what works and what doesn?t in today?s market-place. If you?re still selling in the same way as you did five years ago, you are being left behind by those sales professionals who have adapted to the new markets and what is now required to drive businesses forward

Qualify Leads Up-Front. Not every lead will be worth the time and effort to pursue.? Be aware of which clients will benefit most from spending time working on, and utilise that time efficiently

Deliver More Than You Promise. Your clients will expect the level of service that?s in your SLA. It?s only by going beyond that level that you will create excellent ?moments of truth?, situations that will ?wow? them and make them delighted they chose you as a partner

Nurture The Relationships Through Quality Communications. This means sending them articles you find that will benefit them, referring them to customers you find on your travels, expanding the contacts within your company and theirs, and making them aware of new opportunities in new markets. This will prove that you?re not contacting them simply to sell more of your stuff?you genuinely are interested in their business success and want them to make more profits


All of these will help you build the business with current clients and attract new prospects to visit you, because you offer something that others don?t?.reasons to be loyal and benefit from the long-term relationships that you can nurture.

Happy Selling!

Sean McPheat

Managing Director

MTD Sales Training

(Image by Renjith Krishnan at

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Sean McPheat

Sean McPheat is a bestselling author and MD of international training firm MTD Sales Training, who have delivered training, coaching and consultancy to over 2,500 different organisations and over 50,000 staff from 23 different countries. Sean is regarded as a thought leader on modern day selling and business improvement, and has been featured on CNN, ITV, BBC, SKY, Forbes, Arena Magazine with over 250 other media credits to his name. Sean?s Sales Blog is visited by 5,000 people every week and over 60,000 managers and sales professionals across the world receive Sean's weekly email tips.


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