Monday, August 15, 2011

Best Quit Smoking Diet | Quit Smoking

Be creative. Enjoy the process as much as you can.


Use tools, tricks and aids. The electronic cigarette or I-Cig is a smoking gadget that is battery powered and gives users the pleasure of smoking without tobacco, carbon monoxide, smell or ashes. One of the greatest benefits to the smoker, is that by using the I Cig you can restore your respiratory wellbeing, in less than a year. The electronic cigarette is the same size as a normal cigarette, tastes just like a cigarette, except there?s no concern of dangerous chemicals harming you. Importantly, you are also using it to improve your chances of not developing lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, or the numerous other health risks that come with smoking. The cigarettes are 100% legal and the other good thing is you can smoke one of them regardless of where you are.


Have you thought about using NLP or hypnotherapy to help you. Hypnosis helps you to relax and sink down to your unconscious, where the driving forces behind your addictions lay. It will help reprogram all the associations and beliefs, often totally irrational, which nevertheless have been directing your smoking behaviour for years. Hypnotherapy can help individuals get over self-limiting beliefs about their addiction. Hypnotherapy can help you resist the temptation to smoke even when in the company of others who are smoking. One final point is that hypnotherapy helps millions of people everyday all across the world with their phobias and bad habits so you shouldn?t be too concerned with how it works.


Could you go cold turkey? The first three days are hard then it gets easier until you are cured from the grip of nicotine. Did you also know that a herbal diet can be helpful when trying to quit smoking? Raisins, beets and lima beans are helpful when you try to quit. In contrast an acidic diet will increase the urge to smoke. A herbal diet is especially helpful when withdrawal symptoms strike. Remember the journey from smoker to non smoker can be an easy one if you plan and prepare well.


People are looking for a magic bullet when they seek out a quit smoking product and there is no such thing. Some of the products can help you but most of them are not going to make much difference for you in the end. It all comes down to your willingness to stop and how bad you really want to be smoke free. Load up on fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meat cuts. You may drop by your local health and fitness store to pick up some supplements, as most of them are available OTC anyway.

While you need to have plenty of foods that are good for you, you also have to steer clear of some bad ones. Cut back on your consumption of processed foods as they?re laden with preservatives and other harmful chemicals. Steer clear of junk food or anything with bad fats and excessive amounts of sugar.

Drink lots of water for hydration and flushing out of toxins. Experts suggest for you to have about 8 to 12 glasses of it daily. It also helps promote regular bowel movement.

Reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee and soft drinks.

About the Author

Best electronic cigarettes, Best electronic cigarettes, best electronic cigarette Green Smoke is an electronic cigarette. New July 2011 Promotional Codes. disc10-14614 15% off (incl free shipping) Green Smoke Promo code for all products when you spend $100 or equivalent. disc5-14614 5% off on orders under $100 plus FREE SHIPPING. (Both codes are relavant internat

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